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The Steps That are Needed for Homeowners Association Approval

It can be hard to repair your home when you live in a neighborhood managed by a Homeowner’s Association. These statutory bodies oversee a residence or community and enact legislation concerning their upkeep.

Without approval for a home remodeling or repair works, the HOA may compel you to stop the work or redo it upon completion. Therefore, to avoid inconveniences, such as wasting time and money, you should always ask permission before beginning any project, big or small.

If you live in a home registered under the HOA, here’s what you should know about homeowners associations and how to get HOA approval for remodeling.

What Is a Homeowner’s Association?

A homeowners’ association (HOA) sets standards for the home value appraisal rates, standard market rates and improves overall living standards within a neighborhood.

HOAs develop rules, contractual obligations, terms, and limitations to help homeowners achieve their investment goals.

Currently, the United States boasts more than 370,000 HOAs, accounting for 53% of all residential households.

What Projects Require HOA’s Approval?

Nearly all significant repair projects conducted on a rental home require official authorization from an HOA. These include piping or electrical wiring in your kitchen and pulling down a back wall to expand your house. Such projects may impact your neighborhood and the structural stability of the building, necessitating validation.

Similarly, homeowners associations may restrict the extent of repairs conducted on your individual property if you are a homeowner. For example, you will require approval to replace a garage door, modify your roof structure or color, change the color of your front door, and general landscape design.

Below are other projects that necessitate HOA endorsement:

  • Changing installations on your outdoor living space.
  • Putting up a new door for your garage.
  • Re plumbing the house to make room for a new sink or hot tub.
  • Making wiring changes to accommodate additional lighting.
  • Installing a wood flooring or tiled floor.
  • Taking down a wall to make more room.

Steps for Getting Homeowners Association Approval

Securing HOA endorsement for home renovations is as simple as filling in the required forms. Whereas the process depends on the HOA, you must specify the scope of work you intend to cover on your remodeling project.

Enlisting a registered, insured, competent contractor to draw preparatory sketches will significantly increase your chances of getting a complex job approved.

Here are the steps you should follow to have your project approved:

1.  Review Your Contract

Before contacting an official from the HOA, you should carefully analyze your contractual agreement. It has a clear description of the HOA’s limitations and standards.

You may have to adhere to specific color schemes, building materials, hour shifts to perform the task, and the licensing requirements acceptable to HOA.

Therefore, a careful review of the agreement allows you to focus on the legal implications you may face. In addition, all homeowners associations have a unique set of rules, so you should consult a local trustee.

2.  Consult Your Property Manager

After carefully evaluating the contractual agreement, be sure to talk with the property manager designated for your HOA in the community. Your pending task may conform to the HOA’s service agreement, but the property manager may have a different procedure for repairs and maintenance.

You may consider getting clarification on the entire process, including getting permission for your task, as well as the projected time frame. The management company will also assist you in finding the appropriate paperwork for the application.

3.  Make Formal Application

Once you’ve obtained all the required documents, it’s time to fill out the detailed information and send your application for approval. Before then, you can contact the HOA directly to discuss your project’s objectives. Inquire about the appropriate protocol for your proposal, as well as the prerequisites you must provide to initiate the task. 

Remember that you should fill out and include additional forms outlining your color preferences and paint palettes for residential painting tasks.

4.  Wait for Feedback

It is now time to wait for feedback after extensive research and completing the application. Depending on the HOA’s schedule, the endorsement of your desired materials, color schemes, or architecture may last for weeks or months.

While you’re waiting, you should prepare a defense to show your task is essential and requires an endorsement by the review panel. For example, is your proposal critical to the house’s structural stability? Sometimes, you may have to put more effort into persuading the HOA review committee. Getting positive feedback gives you the green light to proceed with your project.

Homeowners Association Approval: Do You Need It?

Obtaining HOA approval is essential for repair projects. It saves you the trouble of having to pay hefty fines or, worse, becoming embroiled in a lawsuit. Furthermore, HOAs protect the value of your home and improve safety by enforcing strict rules.

Before you begin any remodeling or repair works on a home under HOA, be sure to follow the due procedure. First, evaluate the HOA’s contractual terms, then talk to the project manager. Finally, make a formal application for approval and wait for feedback.

If you are unsure of the requirements for HOA approval in your locality, contact a property manager or a designated board member of your local HOA.

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