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2024 FHA Loan Limits in Florida

In 2024, navigating the landscape of FHA (Federal Housing Administration) loans in Florida presents a unique opportunity for potential homeowners.

These loans, renowned for their accessibility, have updated limits that reflect the current housing market trends in the Sunshine State.

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of these changes, equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

Whether you're a first-time buyer or looking to refinance, understanding Florida's 2024 FHA loan limits is crucial for a smooth and successful home-buying journey.

Let's dive into what these changes mean and how they can impact your mortgage options.

FHA Loan Limits by Florida County in 2024

In 2024, the FHA loan limits across Florida's counties reflect a diverse real estate market, accommodating a range of homebuyers. These limits, crucial for understanding what you can borrow, vary by county and the property size, from one-family homes to larger four-family units.

Whether you're a first-time homebuyer in Miami-Dade, looking to invest in a two-family property in Orange County, or exploring options for a larger family unit in Hillsborough, these limits are tailored to meet each area's unique housing needs and market conditions.

Our comprehensive table below provides a clear overview of these limits for every county in Florida. This valuable resource helps you navigate the financial aspects of home buying in Florida, ensuring you make informed decisions in line with FHA guidelines.

County One-Unit Two-Unit Three-Unit Four-Unit
Alachua $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Baker $564,650 $722,850 $873,750 $1,085,900
Bay $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Bradford $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Brevard $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Broward $621,000 $795,000 $960,950 $1,194,250
Calhoun $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Charlotte $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Citrus $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Clay $564,650 $722,850 $873,750 $1,085,900
Collier $730,250 $934,850 $1,130,000 $1,404,350
Columbia $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
DeSoto $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Dixie $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Duval $564,650 $722,850 $873,750 $1,085,900
Escambia $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Flagler $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Franklin $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Gadsden $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Gilchrist $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Glades $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Gulf $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Hamilton $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Hardee $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Hendry $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Hernando $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Highlands $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Hillsborough $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Holmes $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Indian River $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Jackson $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Jefferson $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Lafayette $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Lake $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Lee $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Leon $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Levy $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Liberty $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Madison $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Manatee $547,400 $700,750 $847,050 $1,052,700
Marion $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Martin $546,250 $699,300 $845,300 $1,050,500
Miami-Dade $621,000 $795,000 $960,950 $1,194,250
Monroe $929,200 $1,189,550 $1,437,900 $1,786,950
Nassau $564,650 $722,850 $873,750 $1,085,900
Okaloosa $603,750 $772,900 $934,250 $1,161,050
Okeechobee $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Orange $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Osceola $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Palm Beach $621,000 $795,000 $960,950 $1,194,250
Pasco $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Pinellas $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Polk $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Putnam $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Santa Rosa $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Sarasota $547,400 $700,750 $847,050 $1,052,700
Seminole $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
St. Johns $564,650 $722,850 $873,750 $1,085,900
St. Lucie $546,250 $699,300 $845,300 $1,050,500
Sumter $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Suwanee $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Taylor $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Union $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Volusia $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Wakulla $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350
Walton $603,750 $772,900 $934,250 $1,161,050
Washington $498,257 $637,950 $771,125 $958,350

Florida Counties with the Highest FHA Loan Limits

This bar chart illustrates the top 10 counties in Florida with the highest FHA loan limits for one-family homes in 2024. These limits indicate the maximum amount homebuyers can borrow under an FHA loan in each county. The chart ranks counties from the highest to the lowest loan limits.

The county with the highest limit offers a significant financial advantage for those seeking substantial FHA loans, potentially aligning with areas with higher real estate prices.

This information is particularly valuable for potential homebuyers planning to purchase properties in Florida, as it highlights the counties where FHA loans are most accommodating for larger or more expensive homes.

Florida Counties with the Lowest FHA Loan Limits

This bar chart presents the 10 Florida counties with the lowest FHA loan limits for one-family homes in 2024. These figures represent the minimum borrowing limits under an FHA loan in each county, offering a glimpse into areas where the real estate market may be more accessible or reasonably priced.

The counties are ordered from the lowest to slightly higher loan limits. These counties might be ideal for potential homebuyers seeking affordability or those with more constrained budgets, as they indicate regions where property prices are potentially lower and FHA loans are more modest.

Buyers must consider that lower loan limits can mean smaller loans and possibly lower monthly payments. However, they also reflect a market with potentially fewer options for larger or more expensive homes.

Frequently Asked Questions About 2024 FHA Loan Limits in Florida

Navigating the landscape of FHA loan limits in Florida for 2024 can be complex. This FAQ section is designed to provide clear, concise answers to your most common questions, helping you make informed decisions about your home financing options.

What are FHA Loan Limits?

FHA loan limits are the maximum amounts the Federal Housing Administration sets for home loans it insures. These limits vary by location and property type and are designed to reflect local housing market conditions.

They ensure that borrowers have access to adequate funding while safeguarding the financial stability of the FHA program.

How Do FHA Loan Limits Vary by County in Florida?

FHA loan limits in Florida vary significantly by county, reflecting the diverse housing market across the state. For instance, in 2024, Alachua County had a one-family FHA loan limit of $498,257, while Baker County had a higher limit of $564,650.

This variation also extends to multi-family properties, with Alachua County's four-family limit at $958,350 compared to Baker County's $1,085,900.

These differences are based on local housing costs and market conditions, ensuring that the FHA loan limits are aligned with each county's specific real estate environment.

What's the Maximum FHA Loan I Can Get in Florida in 2024?

For 2024, Florida's maximum FHA loan limits vary by property type. For a one-family property, the highest limit is $929,200. Two-family properties can go up to $1,189,550, while three-family homes have a maximum of $1,437,900.

The highest limit is for four-family properties, reaching up to $1,786,950. These limits represent the peak funding available under the FHA program in Florida, catering to a range of housing needs and investment opportunities across the state.

How Have FHA Loan Limits Changed from 2023 to 2024 in Florida?

Generally, FHA loan limits tend to increase yearly to accommodate rising home prices and changes in the housing market.

This trend suggests that the FHA loan limits in Florida for 2024 are higher than those in 2023, reflecting the real estate market growth and the increased housing cost.

This increase is designed to help more borrowers access the financing they need to purchase homes in various regions of Florida, ensuring that FHA loans remain a viable and accessible option for homebuyers.

What Factors Determine FHA Loan Limits in Florida?

Several key factors influence the determination of FHA loan limits in Florida. Primarily, these limits are based on the median home prices in each county, ensuring that the limits align with local real estate market conditions.

The FHA also considers national statutory limits set by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA), which provides a baseline for the lowest and highest possible loan amounts.

Additionally, economic indicators and housing market trends specific to Florida, such as demand, supply, and the overall health of the housing sector, play a significant role in shaping these limits.

This comprehensive approach ensures that FHA loan limits are relevant, realistic, and supportive of the housing needs in different parts of Florida.

Are There Special Considerations for First-Time Homebuyers Regarding FHA Loan Limits in Florida?

For first-time homebuyers in Florida, FHA loan limits are particularly significant. While these limits apply equally to all borrowers, first-time buyers often benefit more due to their unique circumstances.

FHA loans are known for their lower down payment requirements and more flexible credit criteria, making them an attractive option for new buyers.

However, first-time buyers must understand that these loan limits still cap the amount they can borrow. Therefore, they must consider these limits when budgeting for home purchases in various Florida counties.

Additionally, first-time homebuyers should explore other FHA benefits and programs designed specifically to assist them in achieving homeownership.

How Do FHA Loan Limits Impact Refinancing in Florida?

FHA loan limits in Florida play a crucial role in the refinancing process. These limits dictate the maximum amount a homeowner can refinance through an FHA loan.

If the current value of a home has increased and falls within the new loan limits, homeowners may find it advantageous to refinance, potentially securing better terms or rates.

However, if the desired loan amount for refinancing exceeds these limits, borrowers might need to seek alternative financing options or consider a conventional loan.

Homeowners in Florida must be aware of their county's current FHA loan limits when considering refinancing to ensure their desired loan amount is within the permissible range.

Can I Exceed the FHA Loan Limits in Florida If I Make a Larger Down Payment?

No, you cannot exceed the FHA loan limits in Florida, even if you make a larger down payment. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) sets the FHA loan limits based on each county's median home prices.

The FHA's goal is to make homeownership more affordable for first-time homebuyers and low-income borrowers, so they have set a maximum loan amount that they will insure.

If you make a larger down payment, you will still be eligible for an FHA loan up to the maximum limit for your county. However, you will not be required to pay more than 20% of the purchase price down.

How Do FHA Loan Limits for Multi-Family Properties Vary in Florida?

FHA loan limits for multi-family properties in Florida vary depending on the number of units in the property. The limits are as follows:

  • One-unit properties - $498,257 to $929,200

  • Two-unit properties - $637,950 to $1,189,550

  • Three-unit properties - $771,125 to $1,437,900

  • Four-unit properties - $958,350 to $1,786,950

As you can see, the loan limits increase with the number of units in a property. This is because multi-family properties are typically more expensive than single-family homes.

Where Can I Find More Information on FHA Loans and Their Limits in Florida?

You can find more information on FHA loans and their limits in Florida on the following websites:

You can also contact a local FHA-approved lender like MakeFloridaYourHome for more information.

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